Monday, April 5, 2010

The Big Over Easy

The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde is the first book in Fforde's Nursery Crime series. Nursery Crime detective, Jack Spratt, is on the case of the death of Humpty Dumpty who was found smashed to bits near the back wall of his apartment. Jack has a new partner, Mary Mary, who is reluctant to join the Nursery Crime division. The two of them have pressure put on them by their boss, Briggs, as well as the star of the police department, Chymes. While most question their theory of murder, Jack and Mary must act quick in order to find the killer and keep their jobs. Read this book is you like Jasper Fforde, if your interested in metafiction, or if you've always enjoyed nursery rhymes. I give it an 8 out of 10.

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